Teachers, Students, Job interviews and Interpersonal Relations
Presenting your own ideas or expressing an opinion creates anxiety in many.
Take the self-knowledge test below to start becoming aware of the educational gaps that generate feelings of inadequacy and fear of the public.
“It’s not what he said, but how he said it”.
During face-to-face communication, feelings and attitudes greatly influence the how the listener perceives the message. The message is communicated: 55% by body language (posture, gestures, facial expressions), 38% by the voice (tone, quality, volume, speed) and 7% from the stated content (Mehrabian equation).
Voce Vera uses the fundamentals of the American ESTILL VOICE TRAINING™ method _Rossana Baroncelli, CCI-TP-SD from 2001 to 2016_ for voice training (38%) and provides physical, mental and stylistic training for body language awareness and control (55%).
Public speaking triggers the fear of judgment.
This fear is part of being human; rejecting it only accentuates it. Accepting the fear without resistance is the first step in confronting why the judgement of others is so frightening.
Voce Vera offers specific mental training for the performer. In particular, the technical investigation of the personality -the mapping of your fears - facilitates the knowledge of your ego, while the identification of personal triggers allows you to learn how to manage them, which is necessary for overcoming fears.
A voice means this: there is a living person, throat, chest, feelings, that pushes this voice in the air, different from all the other voices
Italo Calvino
Vocalization is a complex process that involves all aspects of being human; it creates an instinctive reaction ...